Warpriest still have to spend a single action to 'buff' themselves with fervor.ġ) (The Twilight Reach) My game take places on an alternate plane of reality, loosely connected to the core Golarion cosmology. Make quickened spells a single action, but preserve things like swift action bardic inspiration, paladin lay on hands, etc. I find that it making that game more 'melee-friendly' is a good thing but would suggest that (if you havent already) you don't remove swift actions from the action economy. I use Unchained Action economy in the PF1 game that I run. We use Unchained's revised action economy, which turned out a tad too melee-friendly (for my taste), but the pacing is still way more enjoyable than high-level combat.

The fourth player runs a barbarian, so far they all have a blast. SheepishEidolon wrote: Players are currently level 3, with a emphasis on divine casters (inquisitor, shaman, omdura). Now only 2 of us remain from that original group, and the current players are more spread out geographically (New Jersey, Virginia, Texas, and Ontario) so we'll be virtual forever. We've been playing virtually essentially since the start of 2002, which is shortly after I moved away from the group. We play over Fantasygrounds, with Discord for voice and out-of-game communication. We'll probably rotate between WotR and CofCT every 6 months or so. Once RA is over, I'm planning to DM Curse of the Crimson Throne. Haven't decided how far we'll go in RA before switching back to WotR.

We took a break from Rappan Athuk back in November 2020 to start WotR and then picked back up with Rappan Athuk in May 2021. We're at 4th level, having just finished "book 1" of the AP. The same group is also playing Wrath of the Righteous, but I'm playing and one of the Rappan Athuk players is DM. We've all grown a bit tired of that campaign, so we're skipping lots of levels / side-quests and focused on the levels that are needed to get to the end. RA characters are 17th level and rapidly approaching the end. This is our first pure Pathfinder campaign, as the one prior was a hybrid of 3.5/Pathfinder. I'm DMing Rappan Athuk, and we are about to hit our 100th session. We have 2 Pathfinder v1 campaigns currently underway. Players are currently level 3, with a emphasis on divine casters (inquisitor, shaman, omdura). Their base is a Dwarven hamlet I made up, trying to minimize the hooks to keep them there - so they focus on their quests instead. I placed them close to the Dwarven citadel of Janderhoff, but this settlement is currently closed due to a plague. The campaign is mostly online due to distance, with real meetings (hopefully) once or twice a year. A few quests needed two sessions instead of one, I am trying to battle this with optional encounters (which can be used or cut, depending on time left during the session). The idea is from West Marches, but otherwise it's rather conservative, with a classic backstory and a fixed group of players (and PCs).
Ran world gs shaper twitch series#
My current campaign is a series of connected one-shots, after each session the players are back to their base.